"This Russian term of literary analysis refers to the experience of having the familiar and commonplace made strange or alien." - This feels like my life.
Waitlisted ASU
Angel Rocks
We still need to play around with settings on our new digital camera. The color saturation is off on these photos. The actual view was far greener. Instead these photos look a little washed out. Trust me, the actual view was much better.
Flak jacket not Flack Jacket
"U.S. Senator John McCain has issued the following in response to a statement by Sen. Barack Obama: 'While Senator Obama's two years in the U.S. Senate certainly entitle him to vote against funding our troops, my service and experience combined with conversations with military leaders on the ground in Iraq lead me to believe that we must give this new strategy a chance to succeed because the consequences of failure would be catastrophic to our nation's security.
'By the way, Senator Obama, it's a 'flak' jacket, not a 'flack' jacket.'"
Addicted to School
Ethics & Justice
Mass Media Law and Regulation
Taste Magic of the Middle East
Back Home German Cooking
Old World Italian
Hopefully by the end of the summer I will be able to cook more interesting foods and possibly find that the law is as exciting as I hoped. Other choices which I passed on include:
Real Estate Law
Introduction to Linguistics
Alfred Hitchcock Films
Russian & Soviet Cinema
The Best of Biscotti
and other tasty treats
Thankfully I get free tuition so my summer time of academic pursuits will only cost me fees of $200.00. Can't beat that.
They Make a Movie out of Everything!
Female Penguins Don't Have Hips!
UK's Russian Spy Poisoning Case
- Russian prosecutors say they will refuse to extradite Andrei Lugovoi
- Ex-KGB agent charged with murder of ex-Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko
- Litvinenko died in London after being poisoned with radioactive Polonium-210
- He blamed President Putin for his poisoning -- an allegation the Kremlin denied
Earlier Tuesday British officials said they wanted to bring Lugovoi before a British court and charge him with the 'extraordinarily grave crime' of murdering Litvinenko in London last November.
'I have today concluded that the evidence sent to us by the police is sufficient to charge Andrei Lugovoi with the murder of Mr. Litvinenko by deliberate poisoning,' Director of Public Prosecutions Ken Macdonald said in London.
Litvinenko, who was a fierce critic of President Vladimir Putin and had been granted political asylum in the UK, died in a London hospital last November, several weeks after he was poisoned with polonium-210."
Having read the Russian constitution for my government and politics in Russia class, I think this is all a show to protect Lugovoi. The Russian constitution grants the executive with large sweeping powers and if Putin approved of the extradiction nobody would be hiding behind the constitution. Also Russia and the UK are both signers of the European convention on mutual legal assistance which should allow the UK to prosecute a Russian citizen who commits a crime on their territory. Interesting, I wonder how this will pan out.
Couch to 5k Running Plan (2)
For those of you still sitting in your cube cabanas day after day and then flopping on your sofas at night I would encourage you to find something fun to do outdoors, then it won't feel like exercise! Bike, fish, hike, shop at your local farmer's market for fresh produce. Your body will thank you for it.
So, http://paragontopieces.blogspot.com/ are you still my running buddy?
Legally Blonde the Musical (2)
Digital Paperbacks
Combine an E Ink display and innovative design and what do you get? "Plastic Logic's 'take anyway, read anywhere' flexible display for text and images is intended as a lightweight alternative to paper and to current laptop, phone and PDA screens. The company, which attracted $100 million in a new round of venture capital funding, has developed displays designed to allow users a more comfortable way to view printed material. Plastic Logic plans to begin construction of manufacturing facilities as soon as possible, and plans to release its first products in 2009."
I am really looking forward to the day when I can browse through 1500 hundred page PDF documents, CTRL+F them, and still view them in broad daylight on a flexible reader. Forget roll-up laptop screens, I want this baby as a document reader. 2009 couldn't come soon enough.
Thanks to Popgadget for the heads up.
Credit: Plastic Logic
I am turoquoise
#40E0D0 |
Your dominant hues are green and blue. You're smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people's conflicts well. Your saturation level is higher than average - You know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone. You value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don't be afraid to run out and make things happen. Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything. |
The Army Weight Loss Plan
a. Invest in yourself.
(1) Make a decision to lose weight and shape up.
(2) Get motivated.
(3) Develop a strategy (diet, exercise routine, lifestyle changes, and so on).
(4) Carry out the strategy.
b. Enjoy the payoffs:.
(1) A healthy appearance.
(2) An improved self-image.
(3) A sense of accomplishment.
(4) A feeling of pride.
I also enjoyed their comparison between sound nutrition and crash diets as summarized in the following table:
Table C–1
Sound Nutrition: Provides all required nutrients
Crash Diets: Most often lack some nutrients
Sound Nutrition: Gradual loss of body fat (1 to 2 pounds per week)
Crash Diets: Rapid loss of body water and muscle mass—not body fat
Sound Nutrition: Reinforces a good mental outlook
Crash Diets: Symptoms of grumpiness, headaches, anxiety and fatigue
Sound Nutrition: Improves health
Crash Diets: Can cause depression, dehydration, potential serious illness and a slowdown in your body’s metabolism (the rate your body burns calories)
Sound Nutrition: Gives a sense of accomplishment
Crash Diets: End in eventual weight loss and failure
Sound Nutrition: Develops permanent good eating habits
Crash Diets: Encourage unhealthy eating habits of temporary duration
Then we come to making an actual plan:
C–4. Basic strategy checklist—a plan for making the right connection
a. Good attitude. Having a good mental attitude is necessary to succeed in any program. To lose weight, a good mental attitude helps self-discipline—an important ingredient.
b. Sensible nutrition. A diet of adequate essential nutrients is necessary to prevent mental and physical fatigue. Crash diets don’t work in a permanent weight control program.
c. Regular exercise. Exercise promotes physical fitness. It improves flexibility, strength, endurance and weight loss by speeding up the body’s metabolism. It has also been proven to help supress the appetite.
d. Diet and exercise master plan. Create your own daily food intake and exercise plan. Keep a record. Make adjustments. You are in control.
e. Rest. Adequate rest improves attitude, posture, and appearance. Lack of rest and sleep can weaken resistance and will power.
f. A set goal. See a long range objective, then get going by setting easier-to-reach short-term goals. After the first few goals are met, the objective will be in plain view.
C–5. Balance check
If you need to lose weight, it’s time to check your energy balance to see what’s tilting the scale. When your energy input (calories) is greater than your energy output (activity), you store the extra calories as body fat. To stay in balance:
a. Increase exercise (frequency and intensity).
b. Decrease calorie intake.
c. Combine exercise with calorie reduction for best results.
See it's that easy. And yet millions of Americans pay billions of dollars on diet books. Just Google "AR 600-9" for the Army's weight loss plan.
Couch to 5k Running Plan
As much as I love my new bike, I know that I need to do more. I always say that I'm at my winter high this time of year and it's about time that I work on getting back down to my summer low while I still have some of the summer to enjoy fitting into my summer clothes. Wish me luck!
LSAT Tips (1)
Tip #1: Be realistic with your expectations. Yes, it is possible to get a 180 on the LSAT. But studying constantly isn't a guarantee that this will happen. There is a reason that this score is called the 99.9%, only a few people score this high. It isn't because thousands of stupid people take the test and the smart ones get 180s. There are plenty of smart people who study and don't get above the 160s.
This isn't to say you shouldn't study. This leads me to Tip #2: Study I took my LSAT in December 2006 having studied maybe 3 days when you add up all of the time that I glanced at my prep books over the fall semester. I also made the fatal error of not taking a fully-timed "real" simulated LSAT. I just leisurely worked questions at my own pace. I ended up with a decent 150, which puts me in the 82%, but that isn't going to get any scholarships or make up for a less than stellar GPA.
Tip #3: Don't Study Too Much. This isn't to contradict Tip#2, but it is possible to study too much. Don't drag out your studying over many months. Within the last month before the actual test concentrate. A lot of websites and books quote the 50 hr. figure. It takes about 50 hours of quality preparation to study for this test. You need to understand the question types, develop strategies and feel prepared enough to not stress out when it comes time for the real test. Work on your timing and questions types separately, not at once. I would work on the questions types first, then your speed. This is not a proven strategy as I have yet to retake the LSAT, but I can vouch for the not dragging out your studying too long tip.
More later, but that's a start. I'll have to get some others to contribute to this thread at some point. Hint hint...
Russian Ambassador held hostage in Costa Rica
Захват заложников в посольстве России в Коста-Рике
Вооруженный человек захватил, по разным сообщениям, восемь или девять человек в здании российского посольства в Коста-Рике.
Ambassador, others held hostage in Costa Rica
An armed Uzbek man took eight hostages Friday at the Russian Embassy in Costa Rica, but released four hostages amid intense negotiations, the country's security minister said. He still holds the Russian ambassador and several others, including his mother hostage.
For those of you who couldn't care about minor news events that involve Russia or Costa Rica, keep in mind that Russia is seeking membership to the WTO this year. Russia signed a trade agreement with Costa Rica in January, one of series of bilateral deals it had to conclude on its path to membership in the World Trade Organization. Russia is now the only major economy outside the WTO. Currently they only have to reach agreement with their ex-Soviet neighbor Georgia and Moldova to meet requirements for membership in the 150-member group, which sets global trade rules. Any member can demand a bilateral deal with an applicant. Georgia withdrew its signature from an earlier deal after Russia imposed a ban on its wine and mineral water last spring. Relations between Moscow and Georgia worsened in the fall as Moscow slapped a sweeping transport and postal blockade on the country in retaliation for the brief arrest of four Russian officers in Tbilisi accused of spying. Unfortunately Russia can't afford to lose Costa Rica's support and still hope to join the WTO this year so they might have to be a little less heavy handed when dealing with the current matter.
UPDATE: Two men walked out of the Russian Embassy in Costa Rica on Friday under police escort, ending a three-hour standoff with police and the ambassador.
So, no dramatic Russian response will happen after-all.
Life's Short. Get a divorce.
There is an old saying that "99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name." This sign is an example of an advertising tactic that makes me realize why such sayings exist. Apparently their sign was working before it was torn down for permitting reasons. The law firm in question received a record number of phone calls from interested clients.
June LSAT Registration Deadline
Instead I think I should really get my act in gear and figure out how I want to study for the patent bar. Online prep or at home being my only options as classroom courses are rarely if ever taught in Alaska. Any suggestions?
I must also come up with something to do with our one remaining weekend together. This weekend I graduate...finally! Family is coming into town to watch and visit which will take up the whole weekend. Next weekend is free and then boom, he's gone off to be a Lieutenant for awhile. He'll come back skin-and-bones with not an ounce of fat on him and with a very peculiarly shaped tan on his neck and hands, the only parts not covered by his ACU uniform. The joys of being an Army wife. I'm trying to stay positive about this, but I really hate it.
Queen Elizabeth Goes Carbon Neutral
Total air miles - 13,317 km or 8,275 miles Amount of CO2 emitted based on scheduled flights - 1. 5 tonnes Estimated offset cost per person - £13.20 to £14.18 ($26.22-$28.17) depending on type of offset package.
Go QE2! I'll join you in decreasing my impact by biking to work...um...when it's a little warmer. I promise! Ok, now I feel guilt.
Biking to Work
Hardrock Women's Mountain Bike by Specialized
John McCain Visits Google
Yahoo Avatar
Spring Furniture Fever
DC Trip Day 2 - Law School Visits
George Mason University Visit
- Lot’s of active student groups
- In-state tuition after the 1st year, significantly cheaper than GWU or GULC
- Well respected for its IP program
- 100% placement of IP graduates in job market upon graduation last year
- Expensive area to live
- Not the best part of town
- Not "really" in DC, although it's close
- Competition from GWU and GULC graduates in the local market as both are higher ranked and produce a large number of graduates
- Not he best looking building
- Students were not approachable
- Staff "forgot" I was coming and hastily ran me through the building rather than taking the time to really show me around
George Washington University Visit
This school isn’t the best looking law school out there, but it definitely has atmosphere. I lived here for the summer of 2005 and know that going to school in downtown DC has advantages and disadvantages. It's close to everything, public transportation, beautiful environment, shopping, etc. But, I probably couldn't afford to live anywhere near school so I would be commuting anyway. I also probably wouldn't have too much time to take in all this atmosphere so I should probably be admiring the school on its merits alone and not on what's outside its four walls.
- A lot of options for combined JD and Masters programs
- Great local reputation
- Beautiful campus near Georgetown, the White House, downtown DC with great public transportation
- I’ve already been rejected there.
- Stressed out students
- Just as expensive as Georgetown and with no LRAP program
Georgetown University Law Center
The library is circular with a hollow center and curved staircases mounting each flight. I looked down from my beautiful top story view and noticed my glasses were a little smudged. When I took out my glasses cloth to clean them I noticed the word “Hoya” repeated on the cloth over and over. Hmm…coincidence? Or, was I destined to be a Hoya.
I met a couple people who are trying to decide whether Georgetown is for them and are coming to visit, tomorrow being the day seat deposits are due here. I couldn’t imagine applying to a school if I hadn’t even visited the city before. One guy from Florida was deciding between Northwestern and GT. I would vote for GT for many reasons. Those who go to Northwestern seem to have an inferiority complex because of University of Chicago. Also, in DC you’d be coming from the top ranked local school rather than the underdog. The weather is also better and with all of the government entities and public policy organizations and firms there are a lot of summer jobs. The other gal that I met was deciding between GT and UCLA. I’d say GT there too. I don’t like LA, that city is too crowded and doesn’t have the vibe that DC does. During the summers here there is a lot going on. I’ll probably be too busy to do much during school, but during the summer associate time, I’ll be able to enjoy my usual DC hobbies of cultural smorgasbord indulgence.
- Secure Campus
- Students know how to relax – they managed to talk about non-law school things during finals and appeared to be collegial in the student café and on the grassy commons.
- Large enrollment means I won’t get to know too many people outside of my section
- I’ve already been rejected there
- Very VERY expensive. To me 150k is like a house. A friend of mine tried to make me feel better by saying, “Well, in DC that’s actually half of a house.” Still not feeling better.
DC Trip Day 3 - Training
At our training we learned a lot about what legislation is going through the Congress right now. The America Competes Act is of particular concern to scientists and engineers as well as the NSF and NIST re authorization bills. We also got tips for how to speak to members of congress and their staffs. The "bad meeting" training video was hilarious. In one sense we were all thinking, "I would never behave that way." and in another I was thinking "I know people who would do this and think nothing of it." So, i guess the training was necessary.
After lunch we walked over to the AAAS building. On my way the wrong way I walked by a few tourist attractions, making my way all the way down to Maryland Ave. before realizing that New York Ave. is the complete opposite direction. I knew that, duh.
The training at the AAAS building was more about budgets with representatives from the House Science committee, AAAS, the OSTP (Office of Science and Technology Policy) of the White House and others giving presentations. It being a lazy DC afternoon in early May nobody has turned the AC on full-blast yet and more than a few people were dozing in their seats. I must say that "death-by-PowerPoint" would have been a distinct possibility if we hadn't cut the last speaker off early to go to the next event.
The next event on the schedule was a reception honoring several members of congress for their support of legislation which brings federal money to R&D, including the NIST re authorization (H.R. 1868, the Technology Innovation and Manufacturing Stimulation Act), NSF re authorization (H.R. 1867) and America Competes Act. The presentation of George E. Brown Jr. SET Leadership Award to: Representative Nancy Pelosi (California) (accepted by another representative, Speaker of the House of Representatives and Senator Lamar Alexander (Tennessee), U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations was interesting. These two members of congress were instrumental in introducing competitiveness and innovation legislation and supporting it. In congress these days its hard to get legislation passed without consensus. One thing all members of congress want to be able to say when they go home to their constituents is that they are bringing dollars home to their state. Research dollars are hard to critique as pork. Who would criticize money that's going towards discovering a cure for a disease or an innovative manufacturing process that could revitalize local business.
Legally Blonde the Musical
Location: The Palace Theatre, 1564 Broadway, NY NY Subway Directions Area Map
Running Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes including a 15 minute intermission
Performance Schedule: Wed-Sat at 8pm; Wed, Sat & Sun at 2pm; Sun at 7pm