But Labor Day really does signal the beginning of the end for me. I better enjoy it while I can because by this time next month all of the leaves will have fallen and there will be snow on the ground. Don't believe me? I'll post pictures. Speaking of labor day, why does the phrase 3-day-weekend suddenly inspire people to get projects done? More than likely they will only work hard 1 out of the 3 days and they could just do that on a normal weekend. Oh well, I may as well join them and have weekend plans. I'm not doing any labor day shopping as I don't really need anything and no matter how good a deal it is it's not a good deal if I don't need it.
- I am putting all of the left-over garage sale items on Craigslist, Freecycle, or donating them
- I will take two full LSATs, one timed and one untimed
- I will submit the stack of health care stuff to insurance and finally get reimbursed
- I will try and clean the house, find more stuff to get rid of and repeat #1
- I will spend at least one out of the three days out of doors, because by this time next month there will be snow on the ground and I should enjoy it while I can
- I will attempt to kick hubby's but fencing, or at least maintain respectable form